Display-List Design Philosophy

To optimize performance, an OpenGL display list is a cache of commands rather than a dynamic database. In other words, once a display list is created, it can't be modified. If a display list were modifiable, performance could be reduced by the overhead required to search through the display list and perform memory management. As portions of a modifiable display list were changed, memory allocation and deallocation might lead to memory fragmentation. Any modifications that the OpenGL implementation made to the display-list commands in order to make them more efficient to render would need to be redone. Also, the display list may be difficult to access, cached somewhere over a network or a system bus.

The way in which the commands in a display list are optimized may vary from implementation to implementation. For example, a command as simple as glRotate*() might show a significant improvement if it's in a display list, since the calculations to produce the rotation matrix aren't trivial (they can involve square roots and trigonometric functions). In the display list, however, only the final rotation matrix needs to be stored, so a display-list rotation command can be executed as fast as the hardware can execute glMultMatrix*(). A sophisticated OpenGL implementation might even concatenate adjacent transformation commands into a single matrix multiplication.

Although you're not guaranteed that your OpenGL implementation optimizes display lists for any particular uses, the execution of display lists isn't slower than executing the commands contained within them individually. There is some overhead, however, involved in jumping to a display list. If a particular list is small, this overhead could exceed any execution advantage. The most likely possibilities for optimization are listed next, with references to the chapters where the topics are discussed.

  • Matrix operations (Chapter 3). Most matrix operations require OpenGL to compute inverses. Both the computed matrix and its inverse might be stored by a particular OpenGL implementation in a display list.
  • Raster bitmaps and images (Chapter 8). The format in which you specify raster data isn't likely to be one that's ideal for the hardware. When a display list is compiled, OpenGL might transform the data into the representation preferred by the hardware. This can have a significant effect on the speed of raster character drawing, since character strings usually consist of a series of small bitmaps.
  • Lights, material properties, and lighting models (Chapter 5). When you draw a scene with complex lighting conditions, you might change the materials for each item in the scene. Setting the materials can be slow, since it might involve significant calculations. If you put the material definitions in display lists, these calculations don't have to be done each time you switch materials, since only the results of the calculations need to be stored; as a result, rendering lit scenes might be faster. (See "Encapsulating Mode Changes" for more details on using display lists to change such values as lighting conditions.)
  • Textures (Chapter 9). You might be able to maximize efficiency when defining textures by compiling them into a display list, since the display list may allow the texture image to be cached in dedicated texture memory. Then the texture image would not have to be recopied each time it was needed. Also, the hardware texture format might differ from the OpenGL format, and the conversion can be done at display-list compile time rather than during display.

In OpenGL version 1.0, the display list is the primary method to manage textures. However, if the OpenGL implementation that you are using is version 1.1 or greater, then you should store the texture in a texture object instead. (Some version 1.0 implementations have a vendor-specific extension to support texture objects. If your implementation supports texture objects, you are encouraged to use them.)

Some of the commands to specify the properties listed here are context-sensitive, so you need to take this into account to ensure optimum performance. For example, when GL_COLOR_MATERIAL is enabled, some of the material properties will track the current color. (See Chapter 5.) Any glMaterial*() calls that set the same material properties are ignored.

It may improve performance to store state settings with geometry. For example, suppose you want to apply a transformation to some geometric objects and then draw the result. Your code may look like this:

glNewList(1, GL_COMPILE); 

However, if the geometric objects are to be transformed in the same way each time, it is better to store the matrix in the display list. For example, if you were to write your code as follows, some implementations may be able to improve performance by transforming the objects when they are defined instead of each time they are drawn:

glNewList(1, GL_COMPILE);

A more likely situation occurs when rendering images. As you will see in Chapter 8, you can modify pixel transfer state variables and control the way images and bitmaps are rasterized. If the commands that set these state variables precede the definition of the image or bitmap in the display list, the implementation may be able to perform some of the operations ahead of time and cache the result.

Remember that display lists have some disadvantages. Very small lists may not perform well since there is some overhead when executing a list. Another disadvantage is the immutability of the contents of a display list. To optimize performance, an OpenGL display list can't be changed and its contents can't be read. If the application needs to maintain data separately from the display list (for example, for continued data processing), then a lot of additional memory may be required.