23 Extensions and Versions
Where can I find information on
different OpenGL extensions?
The OpenGL extension registry
is the central resource for all OpenGL extensions. Also, the OpenGL org web page
maintains a lot of information on different OpenGL extensions.
How will I know which OpenGL
version my program is using?
It's commonplace for the OpenGL version to
be named as a C preprocessor definition in gl.h. This enables
your application to know the OpenGL version at compile time.
To use this definition, your code might look like:
#ifdef GL_VERSION_1_2
// Use OpenGL 1.2 functionality
OpenGL also provides a mechanism for
detecting the OpenGL version at run time. An app may call
glGetString(GL_VERSION), and parse the return string. The
first part of the return string must be of the form [major-number].[minor-number],
optionally followed by a release number or other vendor-specific
As with any OpenGL call, you need a current
context to use glGetString().
What is the difference between
OpenGL 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2?
In OpenGL 1.1, the following features are
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- Vertex Arrays, which are intended to
decrease the number of subroutine calls required to
transfer vertex data to OpenGL that is not in a
display list
- Polygon Offset, which allows depth
values of fragments resulting from the filled
primitives' rasterization to be shifted forward or
backwards prior to depth testing
- Logical Operations can be performed in
RGBA mode
- Internal Texture Formats, which let an
application suggest to OpenGL a preferred storage
precision for texture images
- Texture Proxies, which allow an
application to tailor its usage of texture resources
at runtime
- Copy Texture and Subtexture, which
allow an application to copy textures or subregions
of a texture from the framebuffer or client memory
- Texture Objects, which let texture
arrays and their associated texture parameter state
be treated as a single texture object
In OpenGL 1.2, the following features are
- Three-dimensional texturing, which
supports hardware accelerated volume rendering
- BGRA pixel formats and packed pixel
formats to directly support more external file and
hardware framebuffer types
- Automatically rescaling vertex normals
changed by the ModelView matrix. In some cases,
rescaling can replace a more expensive
renormalization operation.
- Application of specular highlights
after texturing for more realistic lighting effects
- Texture coordinate edge clamping to
avoid blending border and image texels during
- Level of detail control for mipmap
textures to allow loading only a subset of levels.
This can save texture memory when high-resolution
texture images aren't required due to textured
objects being far from the viewer.
- Vertex array enhancements to specify a
subrange of the array and draw geometry from that
subrange in one operation. This allows a variety of
optimizations such as pretransforming, caching
transformed geometry, etc.
- The concept of ARB-approved extensions.
The first such extension is GL_ARB_imaging, a set of
features collectively known as the Imaging Subset,
intended for 2D image processing. Check for the extension
string to see if this
feature is available.
OpenGL 1.2.1 adds a second ARB-approved
extension, GL_ARB_multitexture, which allows multiple texture
maps to be applied to a single primitive. Again, check for the extension string to use this extension.
How can I code for different
versions of OpenGL?
Because a feature or extension is available
on the OpenGL development environment you use for building
your app, it doesn't mean it will be available for use on
your end user's system. Your code must avoid making feature
or extension calls when those features and extensions aren't
When your program initializes, it must
query the OpenGL library for information on the OpenGL
version and available extensions, and surround version- and
extension-specific code with the appropriate conditionals
based on the results of that query. For example:
#include <stdlib.h>
int gl12Supported;
gl12Supported = atof(glGetString(GL_VERSION)) >= 1.2;
if (gl12Supported) {
// Use OpenGL 1.2 functionality
How can I find which extensions
are supported?
A call to glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS) will
return a space-separated string of extension names, which
your application can parse at runtime.
How can I code for extensions
that may not exist on a target platform?
At runtime, your application can inquire
for the existence of a specific extension using glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS).
Search the list of supported extensions for the specific
extension you're interested in. For example, to see if the
polygon offset extension interface is available, an
application might say:
#include <string.h>
const GLubyte *str;
int glPolyOffExtAvailable;
str = glGetString (GL_EXTENSIONS);
glPolyOffExtAvailable = (strstr((const char *)str, "GL_EXT_polygon_offset")
!= NULL);
Your application can use the extension if
it's available, but it needs a fallback plan if it's
unavailable (i.e., some other way to obtain the same
If your application code needs to compile
on multiple platforms, it must handle a development
environment in which some extensions aren't defined. In C and
C++, the preprocessor can protect extension-specific code
from compiling when an extension isn't defined in the local
development environment. For example:
#ifdef GL_EXT_polygon_offset
glPolygonOffsetEXT (1., 1./(float)0x10000);
#endif /* GL_EXT_polygon_offset */
23.070 How can I call extension routines on
Microsoft Windows?
Your application may find some extensions already
available through Microsoft's opengl32.lib. However,
depending on your OpenGL device and device driver, a
particular vendor-specific extension may or may not be
present at link time. If it's not present in opengl32.lib,
you'll need to obtain the address of the extension's entry
points at run time from the device's ICD.
Here's an example code segment that
demonstrates obtaining function pointers for the ARB_multitexture
/* Include the header that defines the extension. This may be a vendor-specific
.h file, or GL/glExt.h as shown here, which contains definitions for all
extensions. */
#include "GL/glExt.h"
/* Declare function pointers */
/* Obtain the address of the extension entry points. */
After you obtain the entry point addresses
of the extension functions you wish to use, simply call
through them as normal function pointers:
/* Set texture unit 0 min and mag filters */
(*glActiveTextureARB) (GL_TEXTURE0_ARB);
/* Draw multi textured quad */
glBegin (GL_QUADS);
(*glMultiTexCoord2fARB) (GL_TEXTURE0_ARB, 0.f, 0.f);
(*glMultiTexCoord2fARB) (GL_TEXTURE1_ARB, 0.f, 0.f);
glVertex3f (32.f,32.f, 0.f);
More information on wglGetProcAddress() is
available through the MSDN documentation.
23.080 How can I call extension routines on
Like Microsoft Windows (and unlike
proprietary UNIX implementations), an extension entry point
may or may not be defined in the static link library. At run
time, a Linux application must load the function's address,
and call through this function pointer.
Linix uses the OpenGL ABI.
23.090 Where can I find extension enumerants and
function prototypes?
See the OpenGL extension registry.